
Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm a bad blogger

It's truly been ages since I've written.

This was in part due to finals, wrist surgery (I had very little use of my hand for a while), & other day to day busyness. 

This coming Wednesday I'm having my hard cast removed from my arm, & I'm very happy about that! I can't wait to get back into crafting, painting, & sketching! My etsy store really needs the inventory, so hopefully I'll be able to make some really lovely things to sell very soon. I honestly can't wait to have a my hands occupied by sewing needles, paint brushes, pencils, crochet hooks, etc. I'm ready to jump back in.

I've been reading quite a bit. I absolutely adore mysteries. I'm currently reading the new Rhys Bowen book in the Royal Spyness series. It's called "The Twelve Clues of Christmas". It's such a fun series to read.
I'm also reading "Clash of Kings" by George R.R. Martin. It's the second book in the "Game of Thrones series that is so popular. It's also a really amazing series. Such an epic fantasy!

As of lately life has been intense. Maybe it was due to the super moon, or maybe that's just how things happen from time to time.