
Thursday, February 28, 2013

What I'm Reading

The Wednesday Sister's by Meg Waite Clayton
I fell in complete love with this book while reading the first page.

A quick summary (from the authors site):

"When five young mothers—Frankie, Linda, Kath, Ally, and Brett—first meet in a neighborhood park in the late 1960s, their conversations center on marriage, raising children, and a shared love of books. Then one evening, as they gather to watch the Miss America Pageant, Linda admits that she aspires to write a novel herself, and the Wednesday Sisters Writing Society is born. The five women slowly, and often reluctantly, start filling journals, sliding pages into typewriters, and sharing their work. In the process, they explore the changing world around them: the Vietnam War, the race to the moon, and a women's movement that challenges everything they believe about themselves. At the same time, the friends carry one another through more personal changes—ones brought about by infidelity, longing, illness, failure, and success. With one another's support and encouragement, they begin to embrace who they are and what they hope to become, as The Wednesday Sisters welcomes readers to experience, along with its heroines, the power of dreaming big."

The characters are so real, so moving. Those that I felt that I connected most with were Ally & Frankie.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Owl craft

Last night I worked on making a completely handmade felt, plushy owl for a couple of hours. I wanted it to look roughly stitched and imperfect. It's my first project of that sort. I'm happy with how it turned out.

I'll definitely be making more stuff. It was really enjoyable. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I'm practicing drawing eyes.

I'm still trying to get there.

I bought a wonderful hardback black sketchbook so that I can start art journaling. I'm excited! 

(It's been a really lazy Saturday. It's snowing again & again & again. Napped on & off today. Read for a while. Got artsy. Cuddled.)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I'm Reading

I recently purchased the book "Womb Wisdom: Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine" from Amazon.

I was too excited and impatient to wait for a paperback shipment, that I bought the Kindle ebook. (I do want to buy the paperback edition also).

This book is amazing!

This book takes you through the 'womb spirals', and each spiral represents a part of our growth.

I believe that all women should read it and embrace it.

So many of us (I included) have forgotten how powerful our femininity truly is.

The description that I've given isn't the best, nor does it do the book justice. It's difficult for me to put into words just how amazing it is!

I highly suggest that you give it a read.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Evening


Enjoyed a nice cup of coffee while playing around with the ipad. I took this photo with my toe, haha.

Have plans to go out to get a seaweed salad for dinner.  They're insanely yummy & makes a vegetarian girl like myself pretty happy.

Earlier today I made a trip to the library and picked up three new books. I'm vowing to myself that even with my super busy schedule I will set aside some time to read them. I couldn't help but laugh to myself while at the library when I realized how very different from one another my books were. Fantasy, Self-Healing, and Inspirational Historical Fiction. Oh dear, haha.

I hope you're enjoying your Saturday!


Friday, February 8, 2013

{this moment}

Today I'm joining Amanda at Soulemama for {this moment}

{this moment} - a Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Student Blogger

(Books for 3 out of 5 classes)

I'm nearly finished with week 3 of my second semester of college.
I knew that it was going to be overwhelming. I'm 27 years old. I've been out of school for 9 years. I didn't go into it thinking it was going to be easy.
Week 3 and I'm so frustrated.
Last semester I had most of my classes online. This semester I am there Monday - Friday.
I want to stress that I really do enjoy most of my classes. I love Composition, the Professor makes it fun and interesting. Intro to Fine Arts allows me to experience art, music, sculpture, architecture. There's so much variety with what I'm currently learning.
I love learning. The homework is sometimes stressful because there's a due date and I want to make sure that I've done everything the best of my ability and that I understand the material.
The social atmosphere is almost unbearable at times.
I should fashion a sign to wear that says "I'm not a piece of meat. Go away!". Unwanted advances make my stomach turn.
I feel so sleep deprived.
This is far from what I imagined doing at 27.
My goal right now is to devote more of my free time (however small it is) to blogging.
Blogging makes me happy.
It's really such a great way for me to destress.
It's something positive in my life, and it allows me to reflect and appreciate.
I feel that if I don't devote more time to blogging, to feeling productive in a carefree way, then I will become even more burnt out with this college experience.
Blogging at least 3 days weekly? Sounds good to me.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snowed in Again - Soup and Anniversaries

We're pretty much snowed in again.

So I made soup!

(simple cabbage, tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, pepper, dill, and a bit of salt)

(these were tasty!)

(she wanted to taste test)

Spending this snowy evening indoors. Staying warm and entertained.

Aiden & I have been together six years today. It really doesn't feel like that long. We celebrated by going out to dinner last night. We knew that snow was in the forecast for today and we weren't sure that we would be able to make it out (turns out we were right).
Dinner out was great. Yummy food, great conversation, and laughs. I literally laughed so hard I almost cried. I wish that I had remembered to take a camera.